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The Symposium will include Plenary Lectures, Oral and Posters Sessions. Each session will start with lectures of relevant experts in the field followed by several oral communications selected from the submitted abstracts. The active participation is welcome by all members and non-members of GPSBI and APLE, interested in Mediterranean palynology. Nevertheless, communications about palynology of other areas will also be welcomed. The admitted languages are English, Italian and Spanish. 

Abstract Guidelines
Instructions for oral presentations and posters

Abstracts are one-page documents in English with title, list of authors and their affiliations plus the abstract. You can downolad the format here





Please do not change the layout of the form and do not exceed one page. Abstracts have to be sent to by 31 March 2015.  


PowerPoint and Adobe Reader are the only presentation programs installed on the PCs provided for oral presentations.


Communications will last 15 minutes (12 for presentations + 3 for questions and speaker change)


Posters (portrait format) do not have to exceed the A0 size (84.1 x 118.4 cm). 


The Symposium logo can be downloaded here.


One free AMS date will be assigned to the best poster of sessions S4, S5, S6, S7, S8 by a jury composed by three experts.

A MedPalyno mug for the best poster of each session is provided by APLE.

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